Saturday, January 30, 2010

1-29-10 Trenton Talent show

1-27-10 You're a muffin

For Blessed Hope's breakfast for dinner

1-26-10 New window treatments!

New window treatments, I had sheers and they got SO dusty and I was SO sick of them!

1-25-10 a not so beautiful day in the D

Typical January... gray & dreary but still... there's no place like home

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

1-14-10 A beautiful day in the D

1-13-10 New Baby!

1-12-10 Rocking mom

Youth fades, love droops, leaves of friendship fall. A mother's secret hope outlives them all. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

1-11-10 Still celebrating

Eliz brought this in for me for my birthday so we could celebrate AGAIN!!


i love icicles

long and straight

lick them lick them

before it's too late

Sunday, January 10, 2010

1-9-10 my favorite scarf

Everytime I look at the back hallway, I realize how much I hate it, it needs painting so bad!!! but please look past that, and see that scarf that drapes over the top of our coats? It's Phyllis's but it's my favorite! It has pink in it, and i love it so much I even wear it with red (and I HATE pink and red together!).

Friday, January 8, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


9th grade life group and their project to help raise money for Africans to have clean water!

1-5-10 Happy Birthday Phyllis


First time i had to take the garbage out in 1 1/2 years


Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2nd

So much for my taking my camera everywhere I go, because I forgot to bring it to the wedding! WHAT A DOPE!!! But here's a couple pics from today, I am attempting to become handy, Dear Lord, it will take only You to help me with this, because in You there is hope, and me does not equal handy, it equals hopeless...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Starting over

Sara always inspires me... so why not...

Today I am starting over this picture thing... last year I made it to February.

I'm not going to limit myself to one picture a day and I am not going to limit myself to taking a picture everyday, but I will carry my camera with me so I can, if I chose to, take a picture whenever I desire.

Today is my birthday.

This is my cake